We’ve also built a world-class website for The Little Apple Life, a personal blog run by Tara about her meaningful adventures in Manhattan, Kansas, and the Flinthills.
The Little Apple Life is a space where travel lovers can find fascinating information about the city, including details on its best restaurants to eat, tips on entertainment venues, ways of living, and much more.
In this blog, Tara shares everything she loves about living in the beautiful Flint Hills of Kansas, letting readers experience its magic without traveling there.
Focusing on the message and values that Tara wants to convey to her readers, we created this beautiful brand site that is practical, beautiful, and functional. We think about her readers’ needs and build an optimal website that promises a user experience. It’s a joy to explore it!
The Little Apple Life’s blog is modern, good-looking, and sophisticated. At the top, visitors can find a bar with icons that redirect to the project’s social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Tumblr), helping Ms. Tara boost her brand.
There’s also a menu bar with buttons that break up the site’s content, including Home, About, All, Food, Fun, Flint Hills, and a search engine. After that, the site displays its “Latest & Greatest,” a compilation of the most recent blog entry. Each one has a colorful, high-quality image referring to the post’s content and a “Read more” button that takes readers to the full text.
Below the blog posts is a section with all the site’s categories: Featured, Food, Fun & Living in the Flint Hills. By clicking on one of the four buttons, visitors can find blogs according to their selected theme, making it easier to navigate the site.
The next element is a bar with other essential buttons, including one that redirects readers to the primary FAQ section and others for About, Featured, Shopping Guides, and Contact. Users will then see the “Explore the Little Apple Life” section, which has colorful image buttons for the Things To Do, The Best Of, Tara’s Recipe Box, Restaurant Guides, Journey’s From The Middle, Explore Manhattan, Explore Wamego, and The Blog categories.
Finally, there’s the “About” section with all the information about the person behind this beautiful and clever blog!
If you want to take a look at the work we’ve done for The Little Life Apple’s blog, click here.